Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tooth fairy - smoo fairy

Today was a day that made me proud.

A day were my little man showed me, with no words just how brave and courageous he is.

Today we went to the dentist.

It wasn't for a check up...oh how I wish. It was to remove baby teeth as his adult teeth had grown behind them.

Now having 2 set's of teeth may seem appealing for some....let me tell you its the biggest pain in the rectal area! Keeping them clean and plaque free is a nightmare let alone trying to get in there and floss between each times this by 20 as anxiety levels hit roof high when hands come near ones mouth as this would mean there would be 'touching' involved and invading someones personal space.

As we parked our car Mario seemed a pasty shade of white. He commented to me that he was scared and clung to his cardboard DS he had made himself last night. I promised him that if he was brave and let the dentist look and maybe even remove the offending, over welcomed baby teeth that a trip to MacDonalds maybe in order. Yes bribery I know but hey a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

The dentist was extremely comforting and accommodating to Mario's needs and questions. Explaining, showing and allowing him to touch item's that would be in contact with him. We really couldn't have asked for better support of care.

I sat on the sidelines, watching helplessly. Wanting them to stop when I noticed his feet and fingers twitching in fear but wanting them to take those disgusting little buggers out at the same time.

Of course Mario thought he was Mr Cool once a pair of sunglasses were placed on his face and the chair was 'extremely comfy mama'. Seeing the red numbing paste being placed on him gum area and hearing him tell the Denist that it tasted like garbage saw us stiffening giggles....and then hearing him say his gum was now in a weird dimension didn't help....then the needle came out *gulp*. I couldn't look but at the same time I had too. His poor little hands were fiddling and moving erratically with nerves. Then just as I was about to get up to stroke his leg in comfort the gorgeous dental nurse starting humming lightly and simply placed her hand on his. The gesture bought tear's to my eyes as it was something so simple yet so massive for him. Instantly his feet stopped tapping and a calm was reached.
2 minutes later and 2 small little teeth were placed into a clear pocket with glitter stars for the tooth fairy and we were on a way with a new toothbrush.

I could have kissed those 2 woman! They made something so stressful almost beautiful.

Mario was told me firmly that his teeth are not to be put under his pillow tonight for the tooth fairy but tomorrow night so he can take them to school tomorrow and show his friends.
BUT most off he wants to show his big brother when he gets back from camp tomorrow night as he wants to show him the big green $100 note that the tooth fairy is going to leave him....hmmmm keep wishing boy cause those thing's are as rare as hen's teeth in this house :)


  1. OMG Maz. I had tears in my eyes! What a beautiful little man. He's so brave! And so are you! I can only imagine as a mumma of a frightened little man that you would just want to say NO DONT WORRY ABOUT IT lol... big hugs hunny! and LOL @ him thinking he's getting a green note, bless him.

  2. Gotta love him saying he's getting a green one ROFL! Super cool dude in his shades xox
