Friday, June 3, 2011

Milk...moooo mooooo

Its been a flat out road last 6 many things have blown over my head and yet here we are - June and I cant tell you why I sat in the doorway in the hall way and cried my eyes out last week let alone tell you what was for tea last night.

Tank has started swimming lessons....yay great...NOPE!
Mario was a water freak, LOVED me being a clever dick thought she saw the same 'traits' forming in Tank and smartly booked in for swimming lessons for the little man..Second thought this clever dick concocted was that it might help Tank with his Cerebal Palsey as he has noticed that he was tripping more lately and getting frustrated and his body so the movement in the water would be fabulous for his muscles.....only problem was that I needed both for it to be effective for either.

Tank saw the water and clung to me like a tight wet t-shirt. He screamed when the swimming instructor took him out of my arms and up and down the pool. Click, light bulb moment, I signed to him ok and happy. Teacher looked at me and smiled...Tank settled. Used wait, finished and sit signs later on and the teacher asked me what they were so she could use them.

WOO started liking swimming as off last week :)

Yes, we sign to our guy's...its easier in a crowd were the words get swallowed up and eye contact hits the wrong person. Hand move, catch your eye and are so much louder in saying something then anything else on this planet.

Signing has become a third language in our house.

Its been our savour!

It can totally make your day....take for instance if I am making a milo for the amigo's I ask for someone to get the milk from the fridge and make the sign (which look's like your milking a cow)...not to long ago I got out of the shower and Tank was standing there, with the J man chatting.......and one look at my 'girls' and Tank starts saying mmmmmooooooooo (as in cow) and starts doing the 'milk' sign. He then did it out shopping at another mum breast feeding the next day.

Its funny yes, and cute...and your probably chuckling...

but for me I felt like jumping mountains, for me it was more then him doing the sign for milk and was that my little man understood that milk comes from cow's...that we mum's give our babies milk. He understood fully that milk came from more then the fridge, something that a 'normal' child would know. It made the me forget about the screaming he had done for hours on end today, the hitting he placed upon me, the throwing of his toys at his siblings.......its all flew away, out the window, even now, thinking about how awesome that my son knows and has communicated it to me.

To often I feel like we forget the little stuff, we take so much for granted that we forget to take the time to enjoy watching cloud's move quickly, the joy of a breeze hitting a small child's face and how much our children really so take in what we say

♥ to you my little totally inspire me to be a better mum every day, even when you scream no at me over and over for hours on end.....your smile and love makes it all fade away.

Id like to share this link with you all now.

Before you go judging a mum of a child for not being social and cutting her self off, have a read and you might realise its something bigger then they thought

with a sky full of sunshine and ♥ to you all

1 comment:

  1. yep your right Maz. it is the little things. Last night I lay down next to A, who has been sick for much of the week, and had a cuddle with him. Once I knew he was asleep, I lay watching him, looking at those beautiful long eyelashes, and gorgeous rosebud mouth, and could see the tiny little babe that was placed naked on my chest 4.5 years ago... and then I blinked, and the fast becoming school age child was before me.

    too quick eh... :'(
